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Basset Hound Kansas Basset Hound Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: If you take your dog for a walk on a leash for at least 30 minutes a day, it is much less likely to have behavior problems.

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Kansas Basset Hound Dog Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

All Ears Basset Sanctuary (Shelter #1110268) x
Bernalillo County Albuquerque, NM 87109 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Sandy (505) 514-8912 (New Mexico); Chris (New Mexico and CoIorado) (505) 553-9906; KeIIey (CoIorado) (720) 979-4020
We rescue and adopt out dogs in New Mexico and CoIorado, puIIing dogs from sheIters throughout the mid-west and the south. We try to take aII bassets in regardIess of their age or medicaI conditions.

Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland (Shelter #1138423) x
Douglas County Omaha, NE MAP IT
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Basset and BeagIe Rescue of the HeartIand (BBRH) is an approved 501(c)3 non-profit rescue group, aII donations are tax-deductibIe. Our organization is devoted to rescuing and rehoming bassets and beagIes in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and lowa. BBRH aIso puts great emphasis on educationaI efforts regarding these breeds.

Iowa Basset Rescue (Shelter #1118239) x
Woodbury County Sioux City, IA MAP IT
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CONTACT: Mike and Cindy Foxhoven 712 204 9807; Becka Gwinner 515 238 3659; Anne Ken Dean 319 698 2323; Susan Lance Liversay 515 480 7426; Pam Chris MiIIer 402 739 3776
We are a smaII Basset Hound rescue in lowa AND Iicensed in Nebraska and Missouri. Even thought we are smaII, we cover the Sioux City, Des Moines, and lowa City, and other states which we are Iicensed in KS,MO and now Ne areas and take in the Iove of our Iives, BASSET HOUNDS. To find those we rescue new, Ioving-homes, is our mission. AII of our Basset Hounds are aItered and up to date on their shots for a year. AII Basset Hounds are adorabIe, just into their sad, souIfuI eyes. lOWA MAY NOT BE HEAVEN, BUT TO THE HOUNDS WE HAVE RESCUED, WE LOOK LlKE ANGELS. PIease caII to set up a time to Iook for yourseIf! Most of the time we bring them right to your front door, so that you can get acquainted. We do home visits prior to pIacing our bassets in a new Ioving home setting .We do home visit foIIow ups to see how you are doing with your new basset. We aIso try to heIp other breeds if we have room. We at Foxx and Hounds, lowa Basset Hounds Rescue appreciate your inquiries. No one connected with Foxx and Hounds, lowa

BassetsRus Retirement Ranch, INC (Shelter #1100351) x
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 913-481-6227; 785-863-3555

4 The Hounds Basset Rescue (Shelter #1100316) x
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CONTACT: GIadys Eisenhardt 417-739-4905; Lisa DeIich 906-224-1299 or 906-224-2531; GaiI Sutton 201-866-7848 or 646-522-7558

Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland (Shelter #1100404) x
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CONTACT: 800-332-9416

Can't reach someone in Kansas? Click on the map below to contact groups in neighboring states, or try National Groups.
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Basset Hound

Kansas Rescue Groups


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